Sunday, March 9, 2008

Preach My Gospel

Preach My Gospel—the Unifying Tool between Members and Missionaries

Elder Erich W. Kopischke
Of the Seventy

Missionaries and members must . . . become one in our efforts to proclaim the gospel.

Elder Erich W. KopischkeNot long ago, we invited two sister missionaries over for lunch. After we finished eating, we asked them to leave a spiritual thought with us. They were well prepared and introduced a scripture reading and marking exercise to us. They had brought a fresh copy of the Book of Mormon and a set of colored pencils. We accepted the invitation of the missionaries. Since then, our daily Book of Mormon family scripture reading has changed. In every chapter, we mark with different colors the passages related to Jesus Christ as we discover them. Every time, this little exercise reminds us of our missionaries.

When the missionaries presented this, we immediately recognized it as a scripture study exercise suggested in Preach My Gospel. As a family, we are so thankful for this great and powerful missionary tool.

For the past three years missionaries have been using Preach My Gospel all around the world. It has truly revolutionized missionary work. The great vision of President Hinckley is being fulfilled: Missionaries “master the concepts of the lessons.” They “teach the concepts in their own words under the guiding influence of the Holy Spirit” (see “Missionary Service,” Worldwide Leadership Training Meeting, Jan. 11, 2003, 19).

As the missionaries become immersed in Preach My Gospel, they learn and apply important doctrines and principles which make them more capable in their important service. Despite this, they still need all of our help and support. Only together can we fulfill the great charge given to the ancient and modern Apostles: “Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature” (Mark 16:15).

In order to be successful in these efforts, we must be one with the missionaries, and we must understand one another. Do you always understand the missionaries? I do not refer to language but rather to how they do missionary work. We see and observe them inviting people to listen to their message. They teach gospel principles and invite those who are interested to change their lives and be baptized and confirmed members of the Church.

If we want to understand and help our missionaries, we must have faith as missionaries have faith, we must think as missionaries think, and we must feel as missionaries feel. How can we achieve that?

One important way, of course, is to be with the missionaries and see them do what they do. But another way for us is to get acquainted with Preach My Gospel and learn more about missionary work. Ever since President McKay said, “Every member a missionary” (in Conference Report, Apr. 1959, 122), members have been striving to become more active in sharing the gospel. With Preach My Gospel, we have a marvelous guide to better help us act upon this invitation. Our own study of Preach My Gospel will not only help us to develop a greater understanding and appreciation for our missionaries, but it will help us in our own day-to-day life.

Every member of our family owns a copy of Preach My Gospel. Studying this guide is a great support in developing a strong testimony. It helps us understand fundamental gospel principles and the desire to serve. Allow me for a moment to highlight some of the headings of Preach My Gospel ([2004], iii), and you will understand.

They read:

“How Do I Recognize and Understand the Spirit?”

“How Do I Study Effectively and Prepare to Teach?”

“What Do I Study and Teach?”

“What Is the Role of the Book of Mormon?”

“How Do I Develop Christlike Attributes?”

Aren’t those the things that all of us want to learn? For everyone who wants to become a better member missionary and who wants to know how to support the missionaries, Preach My Gospel is full of powerful ideas and insights. We learn how we can help the missionaries find people to teach and how we as members can work hand in hand with the missionaries to help those who are investigating the Church. We learn to understand why strong invitations to act are helpful to increase faith in Jesus Christ and how we can stand with our nonmember friends who are moving through this wonderful, life-changing process of conversion.

Along with studying the scriptures, missionaries study Preach My Gospel every day. They learn principles and skills, and they apply them. They especially learn how to use the guidance of the Spirit in their work. If we want to learn as missionaries do, we too must carefully study Preach My Gospel and observe the missionaries in their daily work.

In the introduction to Preach My Gospel, we read: “Preach My Gospel is for the full-time missionaries of the Church. However, the principles and doctrines taught herein are also applicable to ward missionaries and leaders as they seek to build the Lord’s kingdom. Frequent study of this manual will enable them to fulfill their responsibilities as member missionaries and will foster unity with the full-time missionaries” (xi).

Elder Richard G. Scott taught that all members should carefully study Preach My Gospel. He said, “Much good has been accomplished . . . since Preach My Gospel was introduced, but the best is yet to come as we all become more proficient in the use of this extraordinary missionary tool” (“The Power of Preach My Gospel,Liahona and Ensign, May 2005, 31).

Our time may seem limited to do this study, so therefore let me give a few suggestions that may help.

  • Youth preparing for a mission should carefully study Preach My Gospel along with the scriptures.
  • Invite the missionaries to your home. Ask them to teach you and your family a principle or doctrine from Preach My Gospel.
  • Every once in a while, use Preach My Gospel for family home evening. Let your teenage children teach your family as missionaries would do. In our home, we have had some surprisingly great lessons given by our children. We have been astonished at how well they taught simple principles. Sometimes we have invited friends to those lessons.
  • Gospel teachers could use the simple but effective principles of gospel teaching as outlined in Preach My Gospel as a support to the prescribed courses of study.
  • Preach My Gospel has been translated and published in almost every language that our members speak. In countries where the Church is still young, Preach My Gospel may be used along with the scriptures as a resource and foundation for all gospel learning and teaching.
  • Elder Scott encouraged local Church leaders “to use these materials in . . . presidencies, priesthood executive committee meetings, and ward councils” (Liahona and Ensign, May 2005, 31).
  • Use Preach My Gospel as a resource for training, talks, spiritual thoughts, lessons, firesides, and personal study.

I bear witness that this missionary guide is inspired of God. We must study it more carefully, that we may understand our missionaries and their work better. Missionaries and members must speak one language. We must become one in our efforts to proclaim the gospel. It will better enable us to become tools in the hand of the Lord, for He said, “And even so will I gather mine elect from the four quarters of the earth, even as many as will believe in me, and hearken unto my voice” (D&C 33:6).

As members of His Church, we are expected to be a part of this glorious gathering process. Of this truth I testify in the name of Jesus Christ, amen.




艾易希‧柯畢施凱長老不 久前,我們請了兩位姊妹傳教士來家裡吃午餐。用餐完畢後,我們請她們跟我們分享一則靈性信息。她們早有準備,並向我們介紹一套閱讀經文和劃記經文的方法。 她們買了一本全新的摩爾門經和一組彩色筆。我們接受了傳教士的邀請。從那之後,我們家庭每日研讀摩爾門經的方式就改變了。在每一章中,我們一發現與耶穌基 督有關的章節,便會用不同顏色的筆加以劃記。每次我們劃記經文時,都會想到教會的傳教士。




為 了在傳道工作上獲致成功,我們必須與傳教士同心合一,我們必須相互了解。你是否一直都很了解傳教士?我指的不是語言,而是了解他們如何從事傳道工作。我們 看見並觀察到他們邀請人們聆聽他們的信息。他們教導福音原則,邀請有興趣的人改變他們的生活,受洗並被證實為本教會的教友。


當然,有一個重要的方法,那就是跟傳教士在一起,看他們如何工作。但是還有別的方法,就是買一本宣講我的福音,學習更多有關傳道工作的事。自從大衛奧‧麥基會長說:「每一位教友都是傳教士」(in Conference Report, Apr. 1959, 122)之後,教友們一直努力更積極地分享福音。宣講我的福音是一本絕佳的指南,能幫助我們更積極地回應這項邀請。研讀宣講我的福音不僅會幫助我們更認識和感激傳教士,也能在日常生活幫助我們自己。













• 準備去傳教的青年除了研讀經文之外,也應當仔細研讀宣講我的福音
• 邀請傳教士到家裡來。請他們教導你和家人宣講我的福音中的某項原則或教義。
• 偶爾在家人家庭晚會中使用宣講我的福音當作教材。請青少年年齡的孩子學習像傳教士一樣教導家人。在我家裡,我們有一些出乎意料的美好課程,就是由孩子們教的。他們把宣講我的福音裡的簡單原則教得非常好,讓我們大感驚訝。有時候,我們也會邀請朋友來聽這些課程。
• 福音教師可運用宣講我的福音裡所列舉的一些簡單、有效的原則,作為課程的輔助教材。
• 司考德長老鼓勵各地領袖「在會長團、聖職執行委員會會議,以及支會議會中使用這些資料」(「宣講我的福音的力量」,2005年5月,利阿賀拿,第31頁)。
• 使用宣講我的福音作為訓練、演講、靈修、課程、爐邊聚會及個人研讀的一項資源。

我 見證這本傳教士指南是一本受神啟發的書。我們必須更仔細地加以研讀,好讓我們更了解我們的傳教士和他們的工作。傳教士和教友必須同心同德,我們必須在宣講 福音的努力上合一。此書會讓我們成為主手中的工具,因為祂說:「正如這樣,我也要從大地四方聚集我的選民,即所有相信我並傾聽我聲音的人」(教約33: 6)。


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About Me

我是在1996年12月29日受洗加入耶穌基督後期聖徒教會. 我在此留下我對這復興的福音的見證,我知道約瑟斯密確實是神的先知; 藉由約瑟斯密,神復興了耶穌基督的教會即耶穌基督後期聖徒教會; 摩爾門經是耶穌基督的另一部約書,與聖經共同見證耶穌是基督.而我們今日仍有一位活著的先知,多馬孟蓀會長 I joined the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints on December 29, 1996. I know that Joseph Smith was and is a prophet of God. The Book of Mormon is indeed Another Testament of Jesus Christ. We have a living prophet today, even President Thomas S. Monson.

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