Sunday, January 25, 2009

Living by the scriptures

Living by the scriptures

Published: Saturday, Jan. 24, 2009

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Consider on the blessed and happy state of those that keep the commandments of God. For behold they are blessed in all things, both temporal and spiritual, and if they hold out faithful to the end they are received into heaven, that thereby they may dwell with God in a state of never-ending happiness. — Mosiah 2:41

In April 2008 my father was sick with cancer and I was worried knowing that he didn't have much time left. I had been with him at his home for two weeks helping take care of my parents, but needed to return to my family, so I left that morning thinking that I would be back to see my dad in a week.

The next night my sisters called to tell me my Dad wasn't doing well and put him on the phone so I could say goodbye. It was really hard on me; I knew how much I would miss him. My sisters called at 2 a.m. to report that Dad had passed away.

That morning we got up as usual and I fixed breakfast for my son before he left for early morning seminary. It was so hard for me to tell my son that Grandpa had died during the night. I knew how much he loved his grandpa.

As in the last few years every morning we would have breakfast and would read President Gordon B. Hinckley's book, Stand a Little Taller. Each day is a scripture and a quote by President Hinckley. As I turned to the day to read, the scripture was Mosiah 2:41 and the title was, "A Better Life."

Dad had lived that great life. He was such a great example to his family. He had kept the commandments and held out faithful to the end. This scripture was such a comfort and blessing to me and my son that day.

I will never forget the peace I felt knowing that my dad is in a better place and not suffering from the pains of cancer. We continue to read from the book every morning, enjoying the wonderful gift of the little tender mercies that the Lord blesses each of us with.

— Jeri Walton, Riverton 2nd Ward, Riverton Wyoming Stake

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About Me

我是在1996年12月29日受洗加入耶穌基督後期聖徒教會. 我在此留下我對這復興的福音的見證,我知道約瑟斯密確實是神的先知; 藉由約瑟斯密,神復興了耶穌基督的教會即耶穌基督後期聖徒教會; 摩爾門經是耶穌基督的另一部約書,與聖經共同見證耶穌是基督.而我們今日仍有一位活著的先知,多馬孟蓀會長 I joined the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints on December 29, 1996. I know that Joseph Smith was and is a prophet of God. The Book of Mormon is indeed Another Testament of Jesus Christ. We have a living prophet today, even President Thomas S. Monson.