Monday, April 14, 2008

Interesting Story

Two little boys, ages 8 and 10, were excessively mischievous. They
were always getting into trouble and their parents knew all about it.

If any mischief occurred in their town, the two boys were probably

The boys' mother heard that a preacher in town had been successful in
disciplining children, so she asked if he would speak with her boys.

The preacher agreed, but he asked to see them individually. So the
mother sent the 8 year old first, in the morning, with the older boy to
see the preacher in the afternoon.

The preacher, a huge man with a booming voice, sat the younger boy
down and asked him sternly, "Do you know where God is, son?"

The boy's mouth dropped open, but he made no response, sitting there
wide-eyed with his mouth hanging open.

So the preacher repeated the question in an even sterner tone, "Where
is God?"

Again, the boy made no attempt to answer. The preacher raised his
voice even more and shook his finger in the boy's face and bellowed,
"Where is God?"

The boy screamed and bolted from the room, ran directly home and dove
into his closet, slamming the door behind him.

When his older brother found him in the closet, he asked, "What

The younger brother, gasping for breath, replied, "We are in BIG
trouble this time," (I just LOVE reading this next line again and again:)

"GOD is missing, and they think we did it!

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About Me

我是在1996年12月29日受洗加入耶穌基督後期聖徒教會. 我在此留下我對這復興的福音的見證,我知道約瑟斯密確實是神的先知; 藉由約瑟斯密,神復興了耶穌基督的教會即耶穌基督後期聖徒教會; 摩爾門經是耶穌基督的另一部約書,與聖經共同見證耶穌是基督.而我們今日仍有一位活著的先知,多馬孟蓀會長 I joined the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints on December 29, 1996. I know that Joseph Smith was and is a prophet of God. The Book of Mormon is indeed Another Testament of Jesus Christ. We have a living prophet today, even President Thomas S. Monson.

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