Tuesday, May 13, 2008

China and Burma: a seismic shift

May 14, 2008

China and Burma: a seismic shift

China responds to disaster with compassion; Burma remains criminally negligent

Two terrible natural disasters have affected two neighbouring countries within eight days. In Burma, the cyclone that left up to 100,000 people dead or injured now threatens the lives of thousands more people because of the criminal refusal by the junta to accept and deliver urgently needed foreign aid. In China, the worst earthquake for more than 30 years is known to have killed at least 12,000 people but has probably taken the lives of three or four times that number in Wenchuan alone, the epicentre that remains cut off from the world. China's leaders, however, have reacted with exemplary speed and concern, mobilising a massive national effort to rescue survivors and prevent the outbreak of disease. The contrast could not be more poignant.

For China, where old habits of secrecy still linger, the new openness and concern are heartening. Wen Jiabao, the Prime Minister, flew immediately to the disaster area, voiced national grief and sympathy, visited survivors and repeated his call for even faster efforts to reach those trapped under buildings or buried in the rubble. More than 50,000 troops have been mobilised to aid the emergency teams and distribute food. Helicopters have been put on standby to drop medicines and provisions. Nearby airports have been closed to civilian traffic to aid the emergency effort. Priority has been given to restoring electricity and clearing roads. An appeal has gone out for blood and television provides frequent bulletins.

Things have come a long way since the 1976 earthquake that destroyed the city of of Tangshan, northeast of Beijing, taking an official toll of 240,000 lives. At the time, emergency teams were wholly unprepared. Details of the 8.3 magnitude quake were suppressed for as long as possible. No foreign relief teams were admitted in. And most of China was gripped by rumours and talk of omens - to the point where the collapse of the Gang of Four was attributed to the disaster.

The Chinese response this time is sharper and more mature. Beijing has voiced thanks for the world's sympathy, accepted aid offers and even appealed for help to neighbouring Japan, despite recent frosty relations. President Hu has accepted a call from President Bush to discuss the earthquake as well as Tibet, and voiced restrained hope for an “objective and fair attitude”. And suggestions that foreign relief workers may not be needed appear to be based not on defensive secrecy but on the realistic assessment that China now has the manpower and experience to cope.

Burma, by contrast, has neither the experience nor the capabilities to deal with the neediest 1.5 million people now at risk. The military Government's refusal, ten days after the cyclone, to accept help and expertise is causing growing frustration in United Nations and international relief agencies and has even led to proposals, well intentioned though impractical, for armed intervention to deliver aid. It is hard to comprehend a mindset so closed to reality that it puts the security of a regime above the survival of the population. But a junta that still regards the cyclone as an omen of its wisdom in moving the capital inland is one that has little conception of how it is derided abroad. Perhaps only China can convey the harsh truth. It needs to do so. Beijing has shown sense and leadership in rescuing its own victims. Tough talk to Burma might also help to rescue those suffering in that benighted country.

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